The Poetry of Stitch Competition
Age 6 to 10
Karen Nicol
Karen Nicol is an embroidery and mixed media textile artist working in gallery, fashion and interiors with a London based design and production studio established for over twenty-five years. For many years she was the anonymous hand behind the embroidery design for some of the leading fashion labels and interior designers worldwide.
Find out more:
Marble Cat
Digital printing on silk embellished with free machine embroidery
Creative Prompt
Do you have a favourite animal?
Write a poem about any kind of creature from insects to birds. You may wish to invent an imaginary or a mythical one such as a dragon.
Perhaps you have a pet who would make an interesting subject for a poem.
Think of all the descriptive words you can about your chosen animal and then decide which ones will work best in your poem.
Remember to consider the use of smell, touch, colour and sound.
Created by Marina Castledine, Creative Learning Consultant Fiona.